Microsoft Research Autocollage 2014

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  1. Microsoft Research Autocollage 2014
  2. Microsoft Research Autocollage 2014 Edition
  3. Microsoft Research Autocollage 2013

Here is a creative and fun way to impress your friends who are eager to see your Italy photos.

My colleagues at Microsoft Research UK have released an inexpensive application called AutoCollage, that blends together a variety of photos in a ‘smart’ way’.
I say ‘smart’ because the software applies face recognition and predicts the optimal photo arrangement out of a large set of possibilities. In other words, you can expect a wonderful job done in a very short amount of time.

Microsoft Research Autocollage 2014

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  2. AutoCollage 2008 is from Microsoft Research, a part of Microsoft that has six worldwide labs. These labs conduct both basic and applied research in computer science and software engineering. AutoCollage 2008 evolved from their research - you can learn more about the product and download a free 30 day trial version of AutoCollage 2008 here.
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Click on these collages I created out of a selection of my eBook photo archive.

Italian Deli shop collage (1MB High Res)

Italian pastries collage (1MB High Res)


Microsoft Autocollage Tea Nonikashvili. Unsubscribe from Tea Nonikashvili? Published on Jan 7, 2014. Category Education; Show more Show less. The 1.1 version of Microsoft Research AutoCollage 2008 is available as a free download on our website. Our antivirus analysis shows that this download is virus free. Some of the program aliases include 'Microsoft Research AutoCollage'. The actual developer of the software is Microsoft Research. Microsoft Research AutoCollage. Category Science & Technology; Show more Show less. Comments are turned off Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next.

Italian cars collage (1MB High Res)

Microsoft Research Autocollage 2014 Edition

If you’re interested, you can download the free AutoCollage trial version from the Microsoft Research UK web site (full version is $9.95).

Microsoft Research Autocollage 2013

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